Angelo Xuereb on AX Holdings’ 35th anniversary

In the same breath that Angelo Xuereb looks back at his achievements of AX Holdings over the past 35 years, he adds: “I wish we did more”. He is full of energy and still puts in a 12-hour day and appreciates most of the determination he has demonstrated over the years.

Ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Imprenditur Malti li għamel Isem għalih u għal Pajjiżna

Il-Grupp tal-kumpanniji Ax Holdings qed jiċċelebra l-35 anniversarju mil-bidu tieghu. Dan il-grup għandu investimenti fil-kostruzzjoni u s-ettur tat-turiżmu.

Creativity for Energy

Federation of Building Contractors president Angelo Xuereb warns that Malta risks failings its energy objectives unless it acts fast. Whereas the EU is talking about 20 per cent clean energy by 2020, better insulation and zero energy building as well as a reduction in overall energy consumption, Malta lags sorely behind.

An Integrated Public Transport Master Plan

Many aspects of our day-to-day lives have changed over time. Yet our public transport system has essentially made no progress since the end of the war unless one includes the removal of the bus conductor!

A Five-Star Dream Comes True

Having established a track record in the hotel construction industry did not make buildings a fourth Hotel any easier for entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. Mr Xuereb told the Sunday Times last week that his biggest pride and joy was opening his first five-star hotel, The Palace, on time, welcoming the first guests on August 1.

The Accumulated Problem of C&D waste in Malta and how to Deal with it!

My presentation shall be dealing with the problem of our construction and demolishing waste (C & D waste) and some proposals on how to deal with it. This is based on over 30 years of practical experience as one of the leading local building contractors, as well as from my various positions on numerous boards, councils, committees, etc.

Josie Muscat’s Party Launched

Azzjoni Nazzjonali (AN), a new right-wing political party, was officially launched yesterday pledging to “clean up” Malta of dirt, corruption and migrants. Steered by former Nationalist MP Josie Muscat, property developer Anġlu Xuereb and university lecturer Philip Beattie, the new party was announced at its first public meeting, held at Le Meridien Phoenicia yesterday morning, that it would be contesting the next election.

Construction and Demolition Waste in Malta

My proposals on how to deal with the problem of construction and demolishing waste in Malta are based both on 30 years of practical experience as a building contractor as well as from various positions I hold on numerous boards, councils and committees.

The FOBC on Excavation Adjacent to Party Walls

More than 16 months have passed since the Federation of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors (FOBC) submitted its final recommendations on the proposed amendment of the law relating to excavation and party walls to the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC). The initiative was discussed at length within the construction industry and received widespread support.

Mill-Bankina Sal-‘Boardroom’

“AX Holdings Philosophy for Success: Creativity, Efficiency, Challenge.” Hekk tigħid tabella mwaħħla f’post prominenti fl-uffiċju ta’ Anġlu Xuereb, Chairman u kap Eżekutttiv tal-kumpannija AX Holdings. Ma għandix dubju li dan ir-raġel li l-ewwel kuntratt li ħa kien biex jirranġa bankina illum hu wieħed mill-iktar intraprendituri magħrufa fil-gżejjer Maltin, segwa din il-filosofija mija fil-mija biex laħaq il-quċċata tas-suċċess.