Chamber draws up ‘Keep Malta Clean’ Blueprint

The Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, Dr Stanley Żammit, on Tuesday promised a great change for the better in the Maltese environment during this year but added in a bitter remark that unfortunately, the countryside has already been ruined. Dr Zammit said he would be considering seven proposals presented to him by Mr Angelo Xuereb, chairman of the environment steering committee set up a year ago by the Chamber of commerce.

Naxxar first Area in Chamber of Commerce Embellishment Scheme

Naxxar is to be the first locality in an embellishment scheme aimed at creating greater public awareness of the need for pleasanter surroundings. The initiative has been taken by the Malta Chamber of commerce environment steering committee, the environment being an area in which the chamber feels it should be involved.

Caring for the Environment

Much is being said about the environment. In reality, it means different things to different people. Unfortunately, for most of us, it is simply countryside and we often find that many criticise any new development, without analysing the pros and cons of the project. I always say actions are louder than words- it is easier to be a talker than to be a doer.

Ħtieġa li jkun hawn Assoċjazzjoni tal-Kuntartturi

Naħseb li issa ħafna draw l-intervisti tiegħi u s’issa kellimt lil ħafna nies minn diversi setturi tal-ħajja. Hu għalhekk li ħassejt li għandi mmur inkellem lil Anġlu Xuereb, wieħed mill-akbar kuntratturi f’Malta. Għaliex le? Għaliex m’għandniex nisimgħu il-verżjoni tiegħu wkoll? Is-soltu nitfgħu l-kritika kolla fuq il-kuntratturi. Illum qed nagħtu ftit spazju biex biex dawn jirrispondu.

The Construction Industry Into the Nineties

Today, at the start of the nineties, the construction industry of Malta looks ahead with weariness. It is facing a serious labour shortage, and unless the root causes of the problems are tackled, the trade will continue to decline. A total revolution in quarrying and construction methods is needed to bring new life to the industry.

Taking the dust and pain out of Malta’s construction Industry

In this age of lasers and computers, when so much is done to alleviate man’s most strenuous tasks and with such an awareness of an ailing environment, there is much that can be done to improve a lot of those in the construction industry. Mr Angelo Xuereb of Angelo Xuereb Limited, shares a few ideas about what can be changed vis-s-vis health and the environment.

Need for Radical Change in Malta’s Construction Industry

The construction industry in Malta is in dire need of a total haul and modernisation. After a brief slump, the country is now seeing much going on in the way of both private as well as public projects. This healthy scene though does not reflect the reality. of the situation, where demand is greater than supply.

A Proposal for the Valletta Master Plan

I have been reading so much about Valletta city and its entrance, and since development is one of my main interests, I felt it is my duty to give my own opinions about our unique city, Valletta. To revive the business, rehabilitate Valetta and make the whole city a monument, besides turning it into one of the Island’s leading tourist attractions, is a task which calls for careful planning and consideration before implementation.