‘We hope this new venture is one that will be enjoyed by generations to come’ – AX Group Chairman
17 April 2023
AX Group Chairman Angelo Xuereb has identified the group’s upcoming AX ODYCY Hotel as a project for the future and one that will “breathe new life” in Qawra.
This comes as AX Hotels – which is part of AX Group – on Wednesday announced the launch of its brand-new destination concept, at the former site of the Seashells Resort at Suncrest in Qawra. The group says that the new hotel will welcome its first guests in the “coming weeks” and has been designed as a “year-round destination” which is set to “revitalise” the seaside promenade with a multi-million Euro investment.
Spearheaded by AX Group and designed by architecture firm Box Concept Studio, the group says that the destination will reignite interest in the area, create employment opportunities, and also contribute significantly to the local economy.
“Everything about this project will do things differently, with quality and genuine character infused in every step,” Mr Xuereb said.
“We’re excited to share it with the public and add another landmark to our portfolio that our team can be proud of. After all, it is thanks to them and their loyalty that we have achieved all this, together with the many people who have been part of the Suncrest story over the decades,” he added.
“We hope this new venture is one that will be enjoyed by generations to come, as we breathe new life into Qawra once again,” he concluded.
AX Hotels is one of the largest local hotel brands operating in Malta, with 40 years’ experience in hospitality, hosting travellers from all segments of the international market. The company has also acted as a training ground for a part of Malta’s workforce in the hospitality sector and says it “remains committed to enhancing its reputation as an employer of choice”. Through ODYCY, it remarks that it is committed to “elevating the quality of experiential travel in accommodation as well as food and beverage”.
[caption id="attachment_2074" align="alignleft" width="300"] AX Group Director of Hospitality and Care Claire Zammit Xuereb[/caption]
“We are thrilled to reveal the launch of the AX ODYCY Hotel, which is a vision for Qawra that we have been working on for some time,” AX Group Director of Hospitality and Care Claire Zammit Xuereb said.
“We hope that this destination will make a positive impact on the local area and will be a much sought-after destination that puts Qawra firmly back on the map. As a group, we have always been committed to the progression of Malta’s hospitality industry and ODYCY will be at the very forefront of this,” she added.
She remarked that there will be a number of facilities, restaurants, bars, and entertainment options as part of the concept that people can enjoy, before saying that she “looks forward to seeing it come to life in the coming weeks”.
Denise Xuereb, AX Group Director of Construction and Development, commended the teams that have been working “tirelessly to bring this vision to life”.
[caption id="attachment_2076" align="alignright" width="300"] AX Group Director of Construction and Development Denise Xuereb[/caption]
“It has been quite a journey so far and everyone from all departments and divisions within AX Group have pulled incredible weight to get us to where we are today. This final phase is the most exciting yet, as we wrap things up to welcome our first guests and showcase the quality and value that we’re injecting into Qawra once again,” she concluded.
The extensive redevelopment and rebranding of the former renowned Suncrest adds four storeys to the existing structure, making it one of the largest hotels on the island and increases the number of hotel rooms to 600. These range from family-friendly and economy options, to luxurious, unique suites, along with other facilities and dining options. These include Medusa, a new level 10 skybar, Sidestreet, a new sophisticated lobby bar, the hotel’s new buffet restaurants, Deck & Keel, and other amenities.
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Former Suncrest Rebranded to AX ODYCY Hotel, set to open in the coming weeks
12 April 2023
I am very pleased to share the online launch to the local and international market of our brand-new destination AX ODYCY Hotel at the site of the former Seashells Resort at Suncrest, set to open in the coming weeks. “Everything about this project will do things differently, with quality and genuine character infused in every step,” says Chairman of AX Group, Angelo Xuereb. “We’re excited to share it with the public and add another landmark to our portfolio that our team can be proud of. After all, it is thanks to them and their loyalty that we have achieved all this, together with the many people who have been part of the Suncrest story over the decades. We hope this new venture is one that will be enjoyed by generations to come,” the Chairman concludes.
Click here to find out more about this exciting project.
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Anġlu Xuereb jipproponi li l-mina tal-ferrovija bejn il-Belt u l-Furjana tintuża fit-trasport tal-massa
19 February 2023
L-imprenditur Anġlu Xuereb jemmen li r-riċetta għas-soluzzjoni tat-traffiku fl-inħawi tal-Belt Valletta u l-Kottonera hija taħlita bejn mina għal laneċ li tgħaqqad Tas-Sliema mal-kapitali u t-Tlitt Ibliet kif ukoll il-kunċett ta’ ‘feeder buses’ spissi li jwasslu n-nies minn lokalitajiet varji f’dawn il-lokalitajiet.
F’ħarsa lejn il-pjani tiegħu, li ġew sottomessi bħala parti mill-konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar it-traffiku f’dan ir-reġjun, Anġlu Xuereb jindika li l-Gvern għandu jagħmel użu minn mina tal-ferrovija eżistenti.
L-imprenditur Anġlu Xuereb qed jipproponi li Malta tinqasam f’għadd ta’ reġjuni għat-trasport tal-massa li jkunu magħqudin b’vetturi kemm fuq l-art kif ukoll taħt l-art fosthom bl-użu ta’ dik li xi darba kienet il-mina tal-ferrovija li tgħaqqad il-Furjana mal-kapitali.
"Tagħmel 6 stazzjonijiet ikollok waħda fil-Furjana fil-Park & Ride u l-pitch tal-football li hemmhekk jiġi wkoll regional sports centre, ieħor il-Marsa, ieħor l-ajruport, wieħed in-naħa tal-Kottonera, ieħor Mater Dei fejn għandek l-Università kif ukoll Pembroke. Jien qed ngħid hemm bżonn ieħor l-Imrieħel Industrial Estate. Ikunu interchanged stations fejn hemhekk ikollok trasport pubbliku b’karozzi iżgħar bil-karozzi tal-linja żgħar, hemmhekk feeder buses iduru mat-toroq, eżempju 20 bus stop iduru hemmhekk, biex dak li jkun ma jdumx aktar minn 5 minuti miexi, jirkeb fuq il-feeder buses u jasal fl-eqreb stazzjon, jiġifieri jekk trid tmur il-Kottonera min-naħa tan-Naxxar mhux toqgħod fil-bus stage u tmur il-Belt, mini għandek wieħed Park & Ride tal-Furjana, hemmhekk hemm mina li twasslek għal Bieb il-Bombi, fejn hemm il-Parlament, tista’ tasal sal-periferija tal-Belt, imbagħad tagħmel escalators, il-mina hemmhekk tal-ferrovija l-antika, kemm tirranġa l-apparat, allura tagħmel użu minnha."
Anġlu Xuereb
F’intervista ma’ TVMnews, Anġlu Xuereb jispjega illi l-ikbar sfida hija l-inġenji għas-sistemi tat-trasport tal-mini u mhux it-tħaffir li jemmen li jista’ jseħħ f’sentejn.
Barra minn dan huwa jisħaq illi l-portijiet mhumiex qed jintużaw biżżejjed u għaldaqstant qed jerġa’ jipproponi konnessjoni bejn Tas-Sliema u l-Kottonera.
"Ngħaqqdu żewġ portijiet flimkien, bħalissa trid toħroġ barra mill-port, ħafna drabi ma tkunx tista’ taqsam minħabba l-baħar, u għalhekk nemmen għandha ssir mina taħt il-belt li jiena f’isem il-grupp tiegħi konna għamilna diġà, tieqaf fejn il-lift u tibqa’ sejjer għall-Kottonera, eżempju r-Rinella u l-Marsa, u tgħaqqad il-Kottonera."
Anġlu Xuereb
Il-pjan ta’ Anġlu Xuereb jinkludi laneċ bl-elettriku u vetturi li jsuqu fuq l ilma, reviżjonijiet fil-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ tal-universitajiet, sussidji għall-użu tat-taxis, infrastruttura elevata għall-iscooters kif ukoll sistema ta’ metro.
Il-proposta ta’ Anġlu Xuereb saret bħala parti mill-konsultazzjoni pubblika li tnediet mill-gvern fi tmiem is-sena li għaddiet għall-pjan ta’ Mobbiltà Urbana Sostenibbli (SUMP) għar-Reġjun tal-Belt Valletta li jinkludi fih iz-zona tat-Tramuntana u n-Nofsinhar tal-Port li tiġbor fiha l-Kottonera, Ħaż-Żabbar, il-Fgura, Ħal Qormi, il-Pietà, San Ġiljan u Tas-Sliema fost bosta lokalitajiet.
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Expansion Trajectory
8 November 2022
As AX Group continues to take on larger and more challenging projects, Chairman Angelo Xuereb, recipient of the Malta Stock Exchange Lifetime Achievement award for 2021, reflects on his 47-year entrepreneurial journey and is confident of a bright future for the AX Group.
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AX Group Founder and Chairman Angelo Xuereb celebrates his 70th birthday
15 June 2022
AX Group’s beginnings can be traced to 1975 when the entrepreneur first launched AX Construction using a €500 wedding gift as an initial investment.
Founder and Chairman of AX Group Angelo Xuereb celebrated his 70th birthday on Wednesday. The company shared a selection of pictures dating back to the early years when Mr Xuereb founded the Group via AX Construction in 1975 thanks to a €500 wedding gift.
Today, the Group has evolved into a household name and is made up of four major divisions: AX Hotels, AX Care, AX Construction and AX Real Estate.
The Group is made up of over 30 companies spanning the hospitality, real estate, construction, healthcare and maritime sectors and employs over 1,000 people.
Mr Xuereb’s journey at the helm of the company as it ventured into different markets is characterised by several milestones. His life experiences have also seen him appointed the first mayor of Naxxar and Ambassador of Knowledge by the Life Learning Academia. In 2016, he was selected Employer of the Year and was named EY’s Entrepreneur of the Year in 2018.
In 2021, the Malta Stock Exchange awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award.
As featured on Who’s Who’
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AX Awards 2022: Recognising service, merit and talent
15 May 2022
Over the years, the AX Group’s Annual Long Service Employee Awards Night has become one of the most highly anticipated events as it seeks to recognise employees and show gratitude for their years of unwavering service to the company across all the divisions. AX Group Chairman, Mr Angelo Xuereb, said he was elated that over 40 of the Group’s employees were receiving the recognition for long service ranging between 5 and 30 years, as it not only showcased their loyalty, but positioned AX Group as an employer of choice by retaining employees for decades.
During the event, which was held at AX The Palace’s State Hall and Alexandra Gardens, Chief Executive Officer Mr Michael Warrington stated, “I’m very proud that AX Group has the knowledge, skill and vision to build great teams. You are the cornerstones that make up those successful teams, who strive to train and encourage all our new colleagues who join the Group.” He further commented that the AX Awards Night is a testimony to each member’s unique and priceless contribution.
The ceremony celebrated the long service of employees who were presented with awards. The respective long service awards were presented by Chairman Mr Angelo Xuereb, Chief Executive Officer Mr Michael Warrington, Hospitality and Care Director Ms Claire Zammit Xuereb and Construction, Development and Real Estate Director Ms Denise Micallef Xuereb.
Additionally, ten members of staff were nominated for the Chairman’s Awards, holding management and operative positions. Four winners were announced with pride, to whom Mr Xuereb presented the prestigious awards in recognition for their loyalty, commitment, never ceasing to go above and beyond, as well as portraying AX values in their roles. Furthermore, the night also featured recognition for three retirees who previously formed part of the AX Group family.
The Lifetime Achievement Award for 2021 was awarded to Mr Anthony Schembri who has worked with the company well over retirement age. The award was presented to him in recognition of his hard work and dedication to the company.
The ceremony concluded with a donation presentation of €7,950 from all AX Group employees to Ms Claire Zammit Xuereb, Chairperson of AX Foundation.
Congratulations to all awardees!
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AX Real Estate p.l.c. celebrates bond listing with MSE ‘ringing of the bell’ event
5 April 2022
On Tuesday 15 February, AX Real Estate plc listed 97,193,600 Eur0.125 Ordinary A shares and trading commenced on Wednesday 16 February. AX Real Estate plc also issued 3.5% Unsecured Bonds with a nominal value of Eur40,000,0000 on Tuesday 15 February, and trading commenced on Wednesday 16 February.
MSE Chairman Mr Joseph Portelli welcomed AX Group founder and Chairman Mr Angelo Xuereb and congratulated the company of their successful listings and noted that the MSE is pleased to see entrepreneurs raise funds for projects through the capital market. Mr Xuereb said that AX Group currently has five listings and since the first listing 25 years ago, he has realised the value of the capital markets not just for raising capital but also with respect to succession planning, which ensures continuity and growth.
Denise Micallef Xuereb, CEO of AX Real Estate said, ‘‘The purpose of the listing was to finance the significant investment in the Verdala Hotel and Virtu Heights project in Rabat, together with the Suncrest hotel extension in Qawra. The finance that is being raised through the listing is part of the estimated EUR 110 M required to complete these mentioned projects, both of which are currently progressing well and on schedule. We remain committed to building on AX Group’s track record and elevating this success further to ensure good long-term property investment opportunities.’’
Mr Michael Warrington said that ‘‘Decades ago, AX Group set out a path for its real estate operations with two firm goals: firstly, to consistently advance quality standards in the properties it develops and manages; and secondly, to give its investors and clients long-term peace of mind through sound property investment opportunities and long-term growth. Today, having consolidated the Group’s well-diversified portfolio of managed local properties under AX Real Estate p.l.c. we are an industry leader’’.
Mr Xuereb expressed gratitude to the members of the Board for their continued support, to the Malta Stock Exchange team and the sponsors namely, Rizzo Farrugia, MZ Investments and Curmi & Partners, to Bank of Valletta as Manager and Registrar, and Camilleri Preziosi who acted as Legal Counsel, all of whom helped make the listings a success.
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Suncrest: Putting Qawra firmly back on the map
17 January 2022
The multi-million-euro transformation of the AX Group’s Suncrest Hotel is well underway, with a clear vision to re-establish both the hotel and its locality as a highly sought-after destination.
Qawra has certainly been on a wild journey since its early development in the 1980s. Once a seaside town that didn’t quite make the list of must-visit places on the island, it quickly evolved into a mecca of sunshine and smiles as the 1980s boom turned it into a holiday hotspot.
Decades later, its popularity waned as overdevelopment muddied the Qawra experience for locals and foreigners. Now, another new chapter has begun.
Few people have observed Qawra’s evolution quite as closely as hotelier and veteran entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. As the force behind much of the town’s original expansion, he provided the vision for what would become a landmark on its seafront promenade and burgeoning skyline: the Suncrest Hotel.
“I always knew Qawra was special and that it deserved to be centre stage,” says Xuereb, Chairman of the AX Group. “So, when I wanted to build a hotel in the 1980s, I chose it as the most up-and-coming location of the moment. Even then I could foresee how much people would love its coastline and incredible sea views.”
Qawra was derelict back then, the chairman recalls, and the Suncrest was its catalyst for change. Xuereb knew he was taking a risk but chose to take the bold decision of developing a high-end property that wouldn’t just stand-alone, but which would help to transform the entire area. “It was a four-star that behaved more like a five-star,” he smiles. “We created the ‘wow factor’ for our guests and exceeded expectations. As my first foray into the hotel world, it set the standard for everything we would go on to achieve as a Group.”
Claire Zammit Xuereb, AX Group’s Hospitality Director, is equally attached to Suncrest and its place within the company’s impressive portfolio of successes. She remembers the Suncrest as an iconic destination in its heyday and is currently driving its exciting redevelopment.
“I can vividly remember my father taking me to the Suncrest site and explaining he was going to build a hotel there,” smiles Zammit Xuereb, who also heads up the Group’s other hospitality projects, including The Palace in Sliema and Rosselli in Valletta among others.
“I remember Suncrest being built. My earliest memories of it feel strikingly similar to today, as we are now living through a reconstruction phase. Whether by sheer coincidence or destiny, I was about 10 years old at the time; the same age my oldest children are today. As a result, Suncrest’s rebirth is being witnessed and relived by the next generation of our family, which of course makes it even more special to us.”
Denise Micallef Xuereb, Director of Construction and Development who is leading various teams behind the Suncrest redevelopment says: "Our family has been naturally predisposed to taking on roles that not only are ideal for the organisational set up but that also reflect each of our strengths and skills. And the Suncrest project is yet another opportunity to work closely together to achieve common goals and aspirations."
In the 1980s, the Suncrest helped spearhead the development of Malta’s mass-market tourist product. Thanks to its vast number of rooms and array of amenities, the hotel began to attract large groups of travellers for conferences and incentives, as well as droves of tour operator travellers who loved the family-friendly facilities. “Suncrest completely changed the whole dynamics of Qawra and Buġibba,” continues Zammit Xuereb. “It was a vacation haven, and both visitors and locals loved everything about it.”
However, as times changed and new five-star developments opened in St Julian’s and further afield, Qawra and the Suncrest faded a little into the background. “The whole area lost its soul, as well as its scope, and was left scraping the bottom of the barrel as tourists went elsewhere. As investors, this was painful to see, and we tried many things over the years to keep improving the Suncrest and its nearby sister hotel the Sunny Coast. There were highs and lows in that time, and they were all leading to this next important milestone: the Suncrest’s complete redevelopment as a hospitality destination of the future.”
The hotel’s general manager Joseph Vella has also been instrumental in conceptualising this new vision, having been equally influential in the 13 years since he took the helm of the property.
“I joined at a difficult time for the Suncrest, when occupancy was low and profits were spiralling down. However, we successfully turned things around. In the years since then, we took it from a loss-making endeavour to one that has immense potential – so much so that the AX Group directors are ready to invest €52 million to, once again, make it the best on the market.
“This new phase is likely to be the most exciting yet, with a ground-breaking development that will deliver quality and value to a vast range of travellers, and help to put Qawra firmly back on the map.”
The new Suncrest development will raise the bar in numerous ways. The hotel will have 618 rooms (up from 450), most with glorious sea views. Facilities will be segmented, to provide options to both families and those after something unique, with pools and restaurants in both categories, as well as dedicated play areas and drinks venues to match.
“One of our goals was to create a resort that is attractive throughout the year, and that’s what the Suncrest plans to achieve. Qawra is already very popular in the summer, but we wanted to craft a vision that would be exciting to visitors in the winter and shoulder seasons too. The sheer variety of restaurants and facilities will do exactly that, with plenty to attract conference and business travellers. Plus, locals will be catered for in the vast range of food and beverage options – from the 11th floor Skybar with stunning views to the grab-and-go coffee shop on the ground floor. Every element is being carefully thought through and implemented,” continues Vella.
The Suncrest and Sunny Coast will form the bedrock of this project and create a fabulous, welcoming and ultra-stylish place to stay. “But this is about so much more than accommodation,” continues Zammit Xuereb. “From the convenient parking to the many options for wining, dining, dancing, swimming, shopping, and spending time together as a family, the Suncrest has been modelled on a Dubai-style resort that can delight and entertain across the generations. Highlights include the fabulous lagoons, adults-only rooftop pool, and signature restaurants featuring high-end Mediterranean cuisine. Every ounce of the development will be packed with personality. I truly believe the Suncrest will become Malta’s futuristic village by the sea and a hotel for all seasons.”
Futuristic as it may be, this exciting vision is very much coming into sight, with the construction phase of the project racing along and ahead of schedule. In fact, plans are in place for the first major phase to be completed in 2023.
“Back in the 1980s it was the chairman’s vision to make Suncrest the best four-star hotel on the island,” says Vella. “Today, as a team, we are pulling out all the stops to honour that legacy and take it one step further, to make it the best in its category and set it apart year-round. Like every other one of AX’s projects, it will make a statement and stand testament to everything that Mr Xuereb, his family and the Group have created.”
As for Xuereb himself, he is pleased that the Suncrest and Qawra will once again find themselves at the top of their game, just as he envisaged all those years ago. “Everything about this project will do things differently, with quality and genuine character infused in every step. We’re excited to share it with the public, and to create another landmark for our team to be proud of.
“After all, we couldn’t do it without them and are very grateful to the team for their loyalty, including the many people who have been part of the Suncrest story over the decades. We hope this new phase will give the Suncrest back to them and many others long into the future, as we breathe new life into Qawra once again,” the chairman concludes.
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Malta Stock Exchange presents Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 to AX Group’s Chairman Angelo Xuereb
7 December 2021
Angelo Xuereb, Chairman of the AX Group was recently awarded the 'Lifetime Achievement Award 2021' by Mr Joseph Portelli, Chairman Malta Stock Exchange during the Annual Malta Stock Exchange Awards Dinner organised under the patronage of the Hon. Minister for Finance Employment, Mr Clyde Caruana.
In his speech, Mr Xuereb thanked the Malta Stock Exchange for recognising his lifetime journey and various entrepreneurial successes together with his vital contribution to the local economy. Xuereb said 'Although I do not intend to retire soon, the succession period is looking bright and promising with my daughters Claire and Denise who are both doing a sterling job and excelling in their own areas of expertise. With Claire leading the way in the Hospitality Sector, Denise heading the Construction and Development Sectors and the unwavering loyal support of our CEO Michael Warrington and our Top Executives, I am greatly optimistic about AX Group's future, and I am confident that the company has a strong foundation to build from.'
He continued 'We will continue to build on our expertise and continue to focus on the sectors where our strengths lie. We have a number of massive projects in the pipeline, amongst which are - The Verdala development which will see the outstanding site in Rabat redeveloped into one of Malta's most iconic developments consisting of a hotel and a luxurious residential complex. We're also making extensive headway on the Suncrest development which will see this 1987 Qawra landmark entirely transformed. Once again, the Suncrest will be pivotal to regenerate Qawra and make it a better holiday destination.'
Xuereb began his professional career as a helper in his father's construction and property business and quickly found his calling in the construction industry. He set out to forge his own path, by investing a modest sum into his own construction enterprise. Launched in 1977, AX Construction fast became one of Malta's leading building and civil engineering contractors with operations expanding into a hard rock quarry and the first state of the art pre-cast and pre-stressed concrete factory on the island.
In the ensuing decades, Xuereb took steps to diversify his company, starting with a successful expansion into the hospitality sector. In 1983, he opened the four-star Sunny Coast holiday complex in Qawra, followed in 1988 by the four-star Suncrest Hotel, which was the largest hotel in Malta for over 20 years. AX Group was the first company in the leisure industry to be listed on the Malta Stock Exchange in 1997.
Under the AX Hotels brand, Xuereb has continued to launch many other award-winning hotel properties, including the five-star AX The Palace, the four-star AX The Victoria, as well as Palazzo Capua-a 200-year-old palazzo which Angelo Xuereb meticulously restored to its former glory, inside and out. In 2017, AX Hotels opened the Saint John Boutique Hotel in Valletta followed by the launch of the five-star Rosselli AX Privilege on Merchants Street. Housed in a beautifully restored 17th-century palazzo, this luxury boutique hotel is also home to the Michelin-starred Under Grain, one of the first fine dining restaurants in Malta to achieve this coveted, internationally recognised rating.
Angelo Xuereb has long harboured a vision to restore value to Malta's capital city of Valletta via ground breaking projects, including the new Parliament House in City Gate, the Old University campus, and the relaunched Is-Suq Tal-Belt (City Market). He has continued to pursue many other business ventures, ranging from launching restaurants, private health care, and Malta's first retirement village, to creating the success of the Valletta Cruise Port and the Valletta Waterfront, which received numerous plaudits for its high-quality regeneration.
Together with his wife, he launched the AX Foundation in 2006, which continues to leave a positive impact on Maltese communities through raising funds and awareness in support of various charities, initiatives, and organisations.
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Spearheading new standards of quality and community
20 June 2021
With Verdala greenlit for redevelopment and two other significant projects in the pipeline, the AX Group is once setting the standard by which others follow.
While it’s true many of life’s best things take time to come to fruition, few could argue that 27 years is a long time for anything.
But 27 years is exactly how long AX Group Chairman Angelo Xuereb has been working to secure the permit to reimagine and rebuild the derelict Grand Hotel Verdala in Rabat. It’s a property that he purchased in 1994, and which he, his family, and his team have toiled on tirelessly ever since.
“I am absolutely thrilled to have, finally, received full Planning Authority (PA) approval for this iconic site,” said Xuereb. “It is going to be a fantastic project, and one that will set another high benchmark for the island. Yes, it took a very long time to get here, with over 50 iterations of our plans for the site, but it has been worth it. Verdala will now be restored to its former glory, as an icon within the Rabat community and a beacon of Malta’s touristic hospitality and quality residences.”
AX Group CEO Michael Warrington is equally enthusiastic that the long wait to pave Verdala’s future has come to an end. “We’ve had some disappointments over the years and some very good ideas were turned down in that time, but we are elated that the next steps are finally clear.”
And what steps they are – as the Group has unveiled its plans for Verdala to be among its most ambitious and standard-setting yet. “Our vision for this important site will be a game-changer for the Group, and for Maltese architecture in general,” the CEO continued.
“I study progress and development in Malta closely and, while some aspects of what I see are encouraging, others are very negative and upsetting. As we proceed as a nation, quality development is critical. We need buildings that will serve us in the same way the Knights’ palaces have served us for hundreds of years – and we at AX intend to deliver. Our team is united in our vision, and this is going to be an extremely exciting phase indeed.”
It’s evident that the Verdala project is a true milestone for AX Group. It will see the contentious 1971 Rabat landmark, the Grand Hotel Verdala, transformed into a state-of-the-art property that isn’t just befitting of its critical location, but instrumental in breathing new life into both the economy and the community.
The project itself will see the ramshackle 70s building seen today sensitively redeveloped into a five-star boutique hotel and luxurious residential complex. After careful in-depth consultation with all stakeholders, the Group has chosen to reduce the overall height of the existing hotel by almost two storeys, and the development will now blend more harmoniously with its setting. In fact, a system of terraces and voids on the ridge side of the building will mimic the natural forms of the rock strata, while the back elevations will have greater solidity to tie into the traditional façade typology found on the surrounding streets. The stunning views, meanwhile, will be opened up, giving the public the opportunity to enjoy them from the hotel, public spaces, and even the street itself. More importantly, the building mass is being separated by three distinct blocks.
“I remember the Grand Hotel Verdala from my childhood and it’s been part of my life ever since,” says one of the project’s key drivers, AX Group Director of Construction, Development and Real Estate, Denise Micallef Xuereb. “There have been so many important moments on my journey with this site – from dining here as a little girl, to observing my father’s disappointment and determination during the delays over the years, to finally being entrusted to handle its development and planning process.”
It’s been three years since Micallef Xuereb took Verdala on with a new approach to getting the green light. She first set her sights on acquiring the outline plan for the site and, once that was successful and the height and massing were set, moved on to the refined design. The full permit was achieved less than a year after the outline approval was signed off, bringing nearly three decades of design and redesign to a close.
“I am proud of many things about this project,” Micallef Xuereb continued, “including that there wasn’t even a single objection to our plan at the final PA hearing. After all, there is a critical requirement for high-quality, standard-setting development in Malta at the moment. We desperately need developments that get things right and encourage others to follow suit. The Verdala will do exactly that. It is visually appealing and sympathetic to its surroundings, will use the very latest and most-sustainable building practices possible, and will again make this site a much-loved destination in its community and for Malta as a whole.”
A new season for AX Group
The Verdala project is ambitious and exciting, certainly, but the core team also acknowledges what a huge challenge it is going to be. “It’s an absolutely mammoth undertaking,” continued Warrington. “There are huge costs of between €50-60 million to be considered, but we know what we are getting ourselves into. Even with the blow that the COVID-19 pandemic has dealt the Group, we are extremely positive about what the next few months and years will bring. Business is returning, the vaccination programme is working, and I am confident that it won’t be too long before the business levels we saw in 2019 return and grow.”
And while Verdala will doubtlessly provide key focus for the Group in the next few years, it won’t be its only focus. In fact, this period is set to be AX’s most ambitious yet, with two other major projects coming into view, and with a pathway to completion.
“I used to say that the Group would only undertake one mega project every five years, but we’re breaking with a tradition this time,” smiles Mr Warrington. “As works begin on Verdala, we will also make extensive headway on our plans for the Suncrest Hotel extension in Qawra – another mega project for the Group. Add to that 41, Merchant’s Street in Valletta – a palace that will be respectfully restored and transformed into a shared office space – and things are shaping up to be very busy indeed.”
In fact, much of Warrington’s own work over the past few months has ensured that the right financial structures are in place to sustain the substantial growth expected for AX in the next five years. “Yes, it’s ambitious. But I am convinced that, with the plan I set for the Group – and despite the consequences of the on-going pandemic – our vision of the AX Group as a half-a-billion-euro company by 2024/2025 will come to pass. This is the start of a major growth journey for us and one that we have worked very hard on already to successful edit the structures of the Group and make our goals achievable.”
Meanwhile, the company’s people – its colossal team across its many business sectors – remain top-of-mind for the Xuerebs and the Group CEO. “These changes will affect people’s lives,” said Warrington. “Our employees must rise to the challenge, and I know they will.
“Yes, we are working in a very difficult labour market and it can it be hard to find the right calibre of people, but those that are right are unabashedly excited about what is to come for the Group and the opportunities it presents.
“Our whole team – from marketing to architectural design and development, as well as our dedicated management team – know these kinds of experiences come around rarely in a career; they are moments to be treasured. Our people are proud to be associated with everything we have planned. They will look back and say, ‘I was part of the team that built that’ – in the same way that the original Verdala employees (some of whom are still with us!) are excited to see the building rise from the ashes again. The energy is palpable,” he says.
Going into further detail, the CEO admits it hasn’t been an easy time for many existing AX Group staff since the start of the pandemic. “It’s been a tough and distressing period for many reasons. But we know how to sail this ship into safe waters for the future. Our vision doesn’t just keep our people safe but offers them opportunities to grow with us. Yes, it’s going to be a busy time, but it’s going to be great and something they will be delighted to be part of.”
Strong values make solid business sense
As this new chapters begins, it’s clear that the AX Group expertly walks the line between being both a standard-setting company with world-class goals, and a family business that holds integrity and sensitivity at its very core.
“Values mean something here,” continued Warrington. “As a Group, we are dedicated to crafting projects that reflect our veracity and strong business culture. They are projects that we are proud to be associated with, built in a manner that ‘does things right’. It’s not all about money, about building a monument, or about how big a development is. It’s about quality and community. Our business is clean business.”
Xuereb, meanwhile, agrees and hopes that AX’s projects will continue to be emulated by other building contractors, so development in Malta will improve. “Our island product must be upgraded,” the Chairman stresses. “And we hope to be both the driving force and the inspiration behind that.
“As for our own advancement, the next few years will bring steady growth across our five sectors: construction, development, hospitality, healthcare and renewable energy. We also look forward to expanding our core activities in Europe, and to reaching more new milestones for the company.”
It’s clear to see that the next five years are going to be interesting and exciting for the AX Group, as its core team unites behind this vision of quality, community, and success.
“I hope to remain at the helm of the Group for the next few years,” the Chairman said. “Within that time, my daughters, our management and I will continue to look boldly into the future with eyes on the kinds of projects that befit both our company and the island as a whole. Our plans stretch forward confidently well into the decades to come, and our vision will not waiver as we hit every milestone on our path. That all begins with Verdala,” Xuereb concluded.
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The need for a monorail – Angelo Xuereb
20 February 2021
I am very pleased that President George Vella strongly supports the idea to introduce a monorail system to eliminate traffic congestion and ever-increasing emissions in Malta.
I have been promoting the concept of introducing a monorail system since 1991. At the time, I already considered the traffic problem acute. Now, 30 years later, the problem is becoming more and more severe. Admittedly, significant strides are continuously being made to improve our road network. However, if vehicles continue to increase, we will have no other option but to create more flyovers, traffic junctions and wider roads, all to the detriment of our environment and our health.
While I welcome the government’s call for a study into the introduction of a monorail/ metro system, this has been dragging on for far too long.
The government would greatly benefit by opening up the discussion to public consultation. I am not against a plan being drawn up by foreign experts but, from my experience, local experts and stakeholders are more aware of the particularities of the problems we face.
Recently, my friend, engineer Konrad Xuereb has also been promoting the idea of introducing a metro system. The least that the government or its consultants can do is approach us, listen to our views and concerns and then continue with their in-depth studies. These studies will reveal if it is better to opt for a monorail or metro system. The key thing is that we implement a modern, mass transportation system to improve mobility across the country.
Since my first proposal of 1991, I have continued to extend and improve the system over the years. I have published these updated proposals in 1996, 2001, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Naturally, the more in-depth the studies conducted, the more refined a concept we can come up with to determine the system, routes and location of the stations that would be the least damaging and most cost-effective. This study would also include the best way to split the project into phases.
For clearer context, many consider a monorail as a tram travelling on an elevated structure. The meaning of ‘mono’ is ‘single’. Therefore, a single rail system can either be on an elevated structure or a single rail (single continuous concrete beams) that passes through a tunnel.
My proposal is to have a system that makes use of both elevated and tunnel rails. The gradient of the rail should not exceed 10 degrees, which will allow the underground tunnel to pass beneath urban areas and hills, while elevated rails will be erected in rural areas.
For many reasons, the stations and interchange points should not be located in the urban core but in the periphery of the urban areas to provide an integrated public transportation system. It is impossible to have a station in the centre of each of our towns and villages, considering the heritage, space and incompatible structures. For better efficiency, these stations will still need to integrate electric buses, which can be referred to as ‘circular buses’, that follow a route around urban areas and transport commuters directly to the nearest station.
"My proposal is to have a system that makes use of both elevated and tunnel rails- Angelo Xuereb."
It is imperative that there be frequent bus stops to encourage commuters to walk to their nearest bus stop, for not more than 10 minutes, rather than use their personal car.
The monorail system proposed plan shown in the picture is feasible and has more advantages than a complete underground metro system.
It will also offer a pleasant route to view our rural areas when passing over elevated routes. Furthermore, elevated routes are much cheaper to construct than underground and make it more possible to avoid disturbing underground freshwater springs and galleries in rural areas.
It may take more than 10 years to complete the entire system from the final approval of the master plan. Therefore, it is a must that the project be developed in phases. The first phase should target the most congested urban areas around the inner and outer harbour areas. When localities like Valletta, Cottonera, Marsa, Ħamrun, Msida, Sliema and Gżira areas were developed these were never designed for car parking and, in fact, have minimal or no private garages. To make matters worse, these areas are densely populated and full of narrow streets.
Once this initial stage is implemented, it will be easier to carry out extensions to the grid over the subsequent phases. The second priority is to extend to the airport, Paceville, St Paul’s Bay and Marsascala areas. Over time, the government will decide on the priorities that extend to Ċirkewwa.
It is of utmost importance that when a master plan is proposed it has to be approved by all political parties in parliament. This is a long-term project that cannot be halted after a new party is elected to government.
The government should seriously take up the introduction of this modern and environmentally friendly integrated public transportation system with urgency. Time is crucial considering our ever-increasing traffic and environmental issues.
Angelo Xuereb is chairman AX Group.
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AX Group inaugurates new business centre in Mosta
7 December 2020
AX Group - Malta’s leading diversified corporation operating in construction, development, healthcare, hospitality, and renewable energy - unveiled its new flag-ship Business Centre
AX Group - Malta’s leading diversified corporation operating in construction, development, healthcare, hospitality, and renewable energy - unveiled its new flag-ship Business Centre in Triq id-Difiża Ċivili, Mosta during an inauguration event attended by Prime Minister Robert Abela, Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Silvio Schembri, and Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Sustainable Development Miriam Dalli.
By harnessing its core values of creativity, determination and integrity, the past few years have seen AX Group and its accomplished workforce achieve significant growth across its award-winning business portfolio with a range of successful projects. Due to this rapid expansion, plans were set in motion to develop a new business centre that would centralise and foster greater synergy among the entire Group.
“This inauguration event fills me with a sense of nostalgia for the first few months of my career that began 45 years ago. Since then, AX Group has grown from a humble home office to comprise 35 companies with net assets worth €227 million. This new Business Centre is the fruit of a lifetime of hard work, grounded in leadership, vision, efficiency, and determination. I am proud that my children, Claire and Denise, are taking the reins of the business so that, together with the CEO and key team of the Group, the AX story will continue successfully into the next generation,” says Angelo Xuereb, Founder and Chairman of AX Group.
Upwards of €12 million was invested into the entire project, with €6 million dedicated to the Business Centre alone. The state-of-the-art office complex – masterminded by Mr Xuereb and built by the Group’s construction team – comprises 12,000 m2 in all, of which 3,000 m2 are dedicated to AX Group office space, spread over two floors. The Business Centre was designed by architect Philip Micallef with interior design by architect Dorianne Ellis. The Group’s vast experience and resources in construction and development were instrumental in the various phases of the project, which was completed in a record 15 months, well ahead of its projected timescale, and despite the many obstacles created by the pandemic.
“Inside and out, the AX Business Centre was designed to set a benchmark for the next-wave of modern business headquarters in Malta, with the building being a true reflection of the high level of quality AX Group is renowned for. The interior design draws inspiration from each of the Group’s business operations, blending corporate functionality with industrial and hospitality touches, to create a vibrant building that is both distinguished and contemporary. The building also embraces our commitment to sustainable development through a range of eco-conscious design features, such as thermal and acoustic insulation as well solar PV panels to be installed soon so as to improve the building’s energy efficiency further,” says Denise Micallef Xuereb, Director of Construction and Development at AX Group.
Various other sustainable measures were implemented throughout the building to reduce its carbon footprint, including the use of natural ventilation systems and extensive floor-to-ceiling, double-glazed windows to make optimal use of natural light.
The AX Business Centre is thoughtfully planned out to contribute to a healthier work-life ethos for the Group’s employees and provides ample space and amenities to deliver an inspiring environment for work, creativity, and productivity. The building features hot desking facilities, informal breakout rooms, and space for the AX Academy for training and induction purposes. A four-level basement carpark ensures the building is commute-friendly, while a playroom in the shared canteen provides working mothers and fathers with a safe, fun environment to bring their children to the office.
“The new AX Business Centre embodies our dynamic brand and forward-looking company culture. We believe this inspiring, contemporary building is the HQ our talented team deserves, and will attract the highest-calibre people to our company. We’ll continue to create exciting work opportunities that offer professional development and the opportunity to rise within the company ranks,” says Mr Michael Warrington, CEO of AX Group.
At the heart of the Business Centre is an expansive expo room, which chronicles Mr Xuereb’s inspiring 45-year career through scale-models of the Group’s many successful developments, historic photos, and memorabilia. The room was designed to serve as inspiration for the next generation of business entrepreneurs, to illustrate how with determination and vision one can overcome many challenges, not merely for personal success, but to shape Malta’s economy and infrastructure for the better.
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The law must change – Angelo Xuereb
12 July 2019
Circumstances in the building industry are different and challenges more acute
The following are my comments on how we can improve the new construction laws for the benefit of all those concerned. They are based on my 45 years of practical experience in the construction industry.
Excavation adjacent to party walls
During my tenure as president of the Federation of Building Contractors (FOBC), we had presented our concerns and published an article in the Times of Malta on January 7, 2007, with our recommendations. Most of its content is still applicable today, although the challenges now are more acute due to developments requiring deeper excavations.
For more than 12 years, we have been highlighting the need to change the law – specifically Section 439 of the Civil Code – stipulating a 76cm distance of excavation from third-party walls. This law came into force over 150 years ago (1868) with the purpose of protecting the stability of wells, not adjacent buildings, and has remained unchanged since.
The law states: “It shall not be lawful for any person to dig in his own tenant, any well, cistern or sink, or to make any other excavation for any purpose whatsoever, at a distance of less than 76 centimetres from the party wall.” In that era, developers would have had no real reason to cut rock to construct basements since in those days there was ample space for development.
Today, the circumstances have changed, and it is imperative that structures are designed within the boundaries of each individual site while making the necessary allowances for the stability of nearby structures.
Ultimately, having a blanket requirement to leave a gap of 76cm from the third-party wall up to the neighbour’s foundation does not serve to protect neighbouring structures. This leads to the practice of either having the overlying structure supported by the dividing wall or creating a huge cantilever structure at ground level.
The problems usually present themselves when the adjacent property decides to repeat the same methodology, resulting in the foundation of the dividing party wall being left in a very weak and dangerous state. The fragile, narrow rock left in between the properties is prone to give way under heavy loads.
Similarly, the law – Section 407 of the Civil Code – regarding the thickness of the party walls, must also change. It does not make sense any more to have 230cm- or 380cm-wide walls. These walls are being abused by irresponsible chasing horizontally on both sides.
In short, these two laws, namely Section 407 and 439 of our Civil Code related to the party wall, must be amended to reflect today’s realities.
The Site Technical Officer
While I agree that all sites must be supervised by a Site Technical Officer, I do not agree that there is need to appoint an independent STO. I will explain the reasons for this further on.
Any development needs three entities – the developer, the architect and the contractor.
The developer is not expected to be technical, which is why an architect is appointed to provide direction on all technical matters.
The architect is responsible for the design of all the drawings and structures, including excavation, foundations and other technical matters. The architect may appoint other specialists such as geologists, structural engineers and interior designers, where necessary.
It is a known fact that architects are normally involved in several projects being developed simultaneously, which means it is impossible for them to physically attend each site every day. But the architect should have the obligation to visit the sites periodically and when needed.
It is hard to believe that a hawker dealing with a few hundred euro needs a licence to operate while a building contractor dealing in millions does not need one
The architect may appoint his or her representative to oversee a project and coordinate with the contractor to assure himself/herself that their design is being adhered to properly, with the ultimate responsibility still lying with the architect.
The contractor is responsible for the method statement, construction management plan (CMP) and the construction and supervision of all works related to their contract. This means they need to appoint an STO or a project manager to follow the design and other instructions from the architect.
The contractor’s role is to give a service to the developer based on the design and instructions of the architect.
No need for independent STOs
If the three aforementioned entities adhere to their responsibilities, there should be no need to appoint an independent STO. This additional role would create disagreement and confusion between the three entities that can easily end up with litigations, with the possibility of delaying the project time frames to the detriment of all those involved, including the neighbours.
Registration and licensing of contractors
It is hard to believe that a hawker dealing with a few hundred euro needs a licence to operate while a building contractor or an excavation contractor dealing in contracts worth millions does not need one! With immediate effect, the Building Regulation Office (BRO) should start with their registration, followed by their classification.
This would help inexperienced developers choose the right contractors that fit the size and expected quality of their development. It would be like the classification of hotels based on certain standards. If one chooses to stay in a 3-star hotel, they would not be expecting a 5-star service, and vice versa.
To develop large projects, the requirements are more intense, with more responsibility and a higher price to pay. In this way, the developer has the liberty to choose the classified contractor and receive the service for which he is paying.
In conclusion, developments involve many other trades, but I have kept my short comments only in relation to third party walls, construction/excavation and site responsibility during the construction phase, as well as licensing.
If these are adhered to, I am sure we can have more quality projects, more reliable methods of construction, excavation and, above all, more protection to the neighbours and the surrounding residents.
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Is land reclamation feasible? – Angelo Xuereb
10 March 2019
I have been publishing my views on construction and demolition waste since early 2000, when the matter was not in the public consciousness as much as it is now. Already then I identified the issue as a national problem requiring immediate action, let alone now, when excavations are going deeper than ever before.
Today, following recent discussions regarding land reclamation, certain crucial facts and considerations of fundamental importance are still not being addressed. Certain important decisions which might not immediately gain political points have to be taken, as the long-term effects of not doing so will have a severe impact on the environment, quality of life, tourism, and more importantly, the legacy we bequest to our future generations.
It is therefore imperative that this subject is debated between technical professionals and experienced people in this field. I would also like to share my views, as I have deepened my knowledge on the subject through 40 years of experience in the industry and following personal research.
Our shores and seascape cannot be compared to those in Dubai, Hong Kong, or others where the sea is relatively shallow and reclamation was carried out within existing sheltered harbours. Our surrounding sea is deep. Before simply dumping debris along our coastline, a breakwater, not simply a sea wall, must be constructed.
If we adopt an uninformed approach the effect would be that all dumped material would be washed away and spread all over the coastline as soon as there is a wind force of 7 or 8, which happens on an annual basis. This would spell disaster for all our sea flora and fauna at least for the surrounding five kilometres!
Our own history also teaches us valuable lessons. When construction waste was dumped in Balluta Bay, a relatively sheltered area, just after World War II, it was all washed away in a short time…
Another attempt at reclamation was made in Msida, which was retained. However, Msida is a very sheltered area and the water in that area of the harbour is very shallow. At the Freeport, which is open to the elements and where the sea is deep, the huge concrete quays were constructed only after the breakwater completed.
The country’s accumulated experience on the subject confirms without doubt the absolute requirement of having a breakwater to retain the material.
In the past we used to refer to this sort of waste as construction and demolition (C&D) waste. Today it’s referred to as Excavation and Demolition waste. Regardless of the nomenclature, the fact remains that 85 per cent of all this material is generated through excavation, the result of which is clean, inert material that can be utilised.
The demolition material, on the other hand, is contaminated with lime, paint, pieces of wood, steel and other contaminants. A degree of waste separation is possible, however, it is impossible to have it clean enough for sea use.
This means it is imperative that a decision is taken without any further delay to reserve the handful of disused quarries for the demolition waste, while finding a way to exploit the use of clean excavation waste for the benefit of the country.
The exact quantity is not known since a number of excavation contractors dump into their own quarries without it being recorded. However, it is estimated that, all in all, clean excavation waste amounts to three million tons per year.
The two disused quarries currently available will last around five years before filling up. Where will the three million tons per year of clean, inert excavation material be disposed of after that? I am sure no one would appreciate another Mount Magħtab next to their village!
There are solutions but these must be seriously discussed between all major stakeholders who must then take responsible and practical decisions. Any master plan must be considered for a period of at least 50 years.
Our shores and seascape cannot be compared to those in Dubai, Hong Kong or others where the sea is relatively shallow… Our surrounding sea is deep
So let’s look at the bigger picture and consider the relevant facts, as that is the only way of taking the right decisions while reusing Malta’s only raw material.
A breakwater of 15 to 20 metres in depth with five metres above sea level would cost around €70 million per kilometre. To hold excavation material generated over a period of, say, 20 years (equivalent to say 60 million tons), one would require a breakwater of a length of approximately five kilometres, at a total cost of €350 million!
The construction of the breakwater would take a minimum of five years before it is primed for the dumping of any material.
Let’s assume we could afford to finance this land reclamation… even if we did, such a high cost would render any development financially unfeasible.
Malta’s available lower coralline limestone (hardstone) used to produce the gravel for concrete is quickly diminishing, which means we have to import all the gravel, at a higher cost. Therefore, we should try to make use of this clean excavation material instead of hard stone gravel for non-structural uses.
On the other hand, the idea of reconstituted stone is definitely not financially feasible for building purposes. It would cost over 10 times more than a new stone block, and the volume needed is insignificant.
Here are some of my suggestions on how to use the material which could be considered:
Create underwater artificial reefs (see figure 1) in selected areas, covered with sand and kilometres away from the coastline. Waves will not disturb material at 12 metres below sea level, and in order to protect this material from the lower currents these reefs can be secured with geo textile and large boulders or ‘tetrapots’ on their periphery. Once these reefs are closed off, this will create a habitat for various flora and fauna.
Create underwater breakwaters below 12 metres of sea level, located in certain open bays, but invisible from the landside. These will protect the erosion of our sandy beaches and possibly extend them. Construction methods would be the same utilised for the above mentioned artificial reefs. This will also create more shelter for boating and create the right conditions for flora and fauna.
Create tetrapots or quatropots (concrete blocks to support sea walls like those at Ċirkewwa). For the blocks below sea level these can consist of washed gravel from excavation waste, sand from lower coralline limestone, and cement. In order to achieve the required weight, these concrete blocks can be larger than those cast with lower coralline limestone (hardstone). These could also be used on a periphery of the underwater breakwater or artificial reefs mentioned above.
Create a large upmarket marina similar to Port Grimaud, in the south of France, where a marina for yachts is linked with luxury accommodation. Any reclamation must be contained in shallow areas within a bay, with concrete piles and a breakwater constructed before any material is disposed of between the contained areas.
Use it for new road sub-base (see figure 2). Instead of a bitumen mix sub base we can use a thicker concrete base using washed excavation stone gravel with a slightly thicker final wearing bitumen course to guarantee tyre grip for a period of 10 years. The present lower bitumen base mix is not adequate since it is too soft. This makes the present imported good quality gravel and top wearing course recede to the lower level of the bitumen layer due to hot weather and heavy loads, with slippery road surfaces after just a few years.
Having studied this subject in depth I can definitely conclude the following:
• NO to land reclamation by the coast;
• NO to dumping of clean excavation material into disused quarries;
• YES to dumping of demolition waste into the few available disused quarries;
• YES to reusing Malta’s only raw material on large scale in the best possible manner;
• YES to the creation of artificial underwater reefs;
• YES to the creation of underwater breakwaters;
• YES to the reuse of excavation waste in road construction;
• YES for its reuse instead of lower coralline gravel hardstone for non-structural use;
• YES to the creation of up to three depots (one north, one south, one in Gozo) from where one can buy selected grades of stone for its reuse for different purposes.
The disposal of waste generated by construction activity is an acute national problem which we must resolve now. Not another second should be wasted, and a 50-year holistic plan has to be devised, as continuing to fire-fight the issue is no longer an option. I therefore strongly recommend the government appoints a professional and technical team to put forward a practical and feasible plan.
We certainly shouldn’t burden the next generation with acute problems that we should be able to solve ourselves today.
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‘We’re not thinking outside the box’ – Angelo Xuereb
16 April 2018
ANGELO XUEREB, winner of EY’s ‘Malta Entrepreneur of the Year’ award, has literally carved out a construction empire out of Malta’s living rock. But after 35 years in the development sector, he is close to giving up on his most ambitious project yet: a ‘masterplan for the Maltese islands’
You have been involved in Malta’s development sector since the mid-1970s. Malta was a very different country back then... and the industry you are part of has likewise changed enormously in the last 40 years. What would you say were the biggest differences between Malta when you started out, and Malta today?
A lot has changed, but in one respect things have always been roughly the same. Unfortunately, the business runs according to the politicians. You can’t do anything without a policy put into place by the government of the day. You mentioned when I started out, in the 1970s and early 1980s. That was a really tough time. Government was nationalising private banks – Scicluna’s bank, Barclays, BICAL, Tagliaferro... all of them were nationalised. The supply of fuel was also being nationalised; and big family businesses were being systematically attacked.
As for myself, I was not even 30 years of age, already building the largest hotel on the island [Suncrest] – the largest private investment in Malta, at the time – and... all hell broke loose. When they realised, they said: ‘What the hell? Who is this guy?’ There they were, trying to control the private sector... and here was ‘this guy’ – me – making the largest investment ever in a private project. They tried to kill me, in many ways. But that was one era.
Then, when there was a change of government and when the Nationalists took over [in 1987], there was a change in policy. Eddie Fenech Adami was totally in favour of the private sector. I was already all geared up; and that gave me a boost. I should mention that, in the Mintoff years, many private businesses folded up altogether: took their money, and deposited it overseas, in tax havens, etc. And even after the change of government, many didn’t want to get back into business. But in my case, I was geared up, and that was a big advantage for me. In fact, at one time I was generating 1% of the GDP, on my own. But then again, the economy was small...
Another possible difference is that there was a lot less awareness about the environment 35 years ago. The Planning Authority had yet to be set up, the construction boom of the early 1990s had yet to happen, and people in general were less demanding when it came to environmental protection and conservation of heritage. How have these affected the way you work?
The Planning Authority... you know how it is. Some people hate it, some people love it. But yes, we are definitely more conscious about the environment today; and that is the way it should be. I fully support it. But sometimes environmental NGOs do go overboard... they sometimes object to small things, not always on the basis of facts. That is what hurts the developer. Don’t get me wrong, I am supportive of many NGOs. They are doing a good job. One thing I have learnt, however, is that governments concentrate primarily on votes. So if there is a particular project, and the NGOs put a lot of pressure... government will often give in...
Malta is small. In such a small place, you will have objectors, no matter what you do. Ultimately what we need is a plan for sustainable development
But doesn’t that work both ways? For example: last week, NGOs disrupted a PA board meeting to protest against a permit being granted. The Malta Developer’s Association described that as ‘unfair pressure’ on the PA. Yet developers also apply pressure on the PA (as well as, separately, on government) in the opposite direction. MDA chair Sandro Chetcuti even likened the two political parties to a ‘supermarket for developers...’ Wouldn’t you say that developers ‘pressure’ the authorities, too?
If you look at it that way... there is some truth to it, yes. The MDA pushes for more development; environmentalists push for the environment. But Malta is small. In such a small place, you will have objectors, no matter what you do. Ultimately what we need is a plan for sustainable development. I very strongly believe there is a way to achieve sustainable development in this country; but it has to be through dialogue. We need to talk. Take the example of petrol stations – I’m not involved at all, as you may already know. The NGOs protest against petrol stations in ODZ? OK, they may very well have a point. So, let’s sit down, and try and find a solution. I think nobody agrees with having a potential bomb – a petrol station – in the middle of a village. They need to move out. Somehow, we have to find a way to do this...
There is, however, more to the argument than just that. Permits are being given for ODZ petrol stations just 50 metres away from existing stations on the same road... at a time when the fuel stations policy is still being discussed...
Fair enough: that is also a valid point. And there are others: where I disagree personally is that, if we’re going to build a new petrol station, then we should also close the one in the middle of a town or village. Not have both at the same time...
But that only brings us back to your earlier point about sustainable development. You said that this is possible; yet everyday experience shows that decisions are being taken with disregard for existing policies. We talk about the need for a ‘masterplan’, for instance – yet we still give out permits for mega-projects without any masterplan in place. How can that be ‘sustainable’?
[Sighs] I’ve been talking about the need for a masterplan for so long now that... look behind you: do you see all those box-files? I believe in a masterplan so strongly, that I’ve started making one myself. A masterplan for the Maltese islands. I’ve written so many articles about it... in fact I’ve stopped writing articles now. Because we talk and talk, but nothing ever happens. Even Frank Salt came to the same conclusion. In an article last Sunday, he said he’s fed up, and not writing anymore. Same with me. Why on earth waste so much energy writing and writing, when no one pays any attention? It’s ridiculous. So, no more articles. From now on, I’ll work on a masterplan instead...
Out of curiosity: what aspect of Malta’s infrastructure would your masterplan deal with first?
For example: one major issue is going to concern waste. Where are we going to dump all the construction waste? Never mind municipal waste for now. There are solutions for that. I won’t say ‘incinerator’, because that only gets misunderstood. One way to go about it would be ‘gasification’: converting municipality into energy. I think that’s the only solution. We don’t have the space for a new landfill. Even the one we have is close to its maximum limit. In five years’ time, we won’t have anywhere to dump either municipal or construction waste. But even when it comes to just construction waste: we call it C&D waste – ‘construction and demolition’. Why are we mixing those two types of waste together? They are two separate things. One is the result of excavation – basically, rock... clean, inert material.
That’s a resource. And then, you have demolition waste, which is not ‘clean’ in that sense – there will be wires, and other materials. That accounts for 10% of all C&D waste. The remaining 90% is excavation waste. So, let us leave at least one or two quarries where we can dump demolition waste... but let us find solutions so that we can re-use the clean, inert material. One use is very simple. Our roads are all slippery... because they’re using the wrong mix. Abroad, when you drive on the motorway, it could be raining cats and dogs... but you still have a good grip on the road.
In Malta, your car starts swerving about like Cinderella. Why? Because we’re using the wrong mix. The base is soft tarmac, made locally; and on top we put a layer of good-quality gravel imported from overseas. But with the weight of trucks, and the heat, what happens is that after five years, the good-quality gravel filters downwards into the soft tarmac beneath... and the bitumen rises to the surface. That’s why all our roads become slippery after five years. So why not use crushed excavation waste to make a solid base of concrete? I’ve tested it. Using crushed stone waste instead of gravel, you can achieve 50% more strength than normal concrete... I did it myself, so I know it can be done.
You have often made similar suggestions in press articles, yet (by your own earlier admission) nothing seems to have come of it. Do you have any reason to believe the reaction to your masterplan will be any different? And if not... why even bother in the first place?
Because I love construction, I love development, and I love sustainable development above all. All the articles I’ve written over the past 35 years or so... some of the ideas were implemented, some were not. For me, however, they were just common sense...
Something like a mass transit system would take 20 years. But that’s because they’re not consulting, for example... me. I can do it in five years...
One example that is worth mentioning today – because so much has happened in the sector in the meantime – is public transport. In 2014, you presented a ‘Masterplan for Traffic and an Integrated Public Transport system’. There have been public transport reforms since then... but traffic in general appears to have deteriorated alarmingly. Do you still think your own plan would have done a better job? And why do you think your suggestions (among others, for a ‘mass elevated and underground transport system’) were ignored?
[Shrugs] Do we always ignore practical suggestions, and go for impractical ones instead? Now, for instance, we are once again talking about a tunnel between Malta and Gozo. To me, that’s crazy. We’re going to kill Gozo. Would you go to Gozo, just to end up in traffic jams there as well? That’s not why people go to Gozo. If it happens, they’ll just go to Sicily instead. [Pause] Why? Why are we doing this? When I speak to Gozitans... they know I am against this project. But some of them are friends of mine; we talk frankly. I tell them: ‘Do you want more cars in Gozo?’ They say: ‘No.’ ‘So why do you want a tunnel?’ ‘Because we wait too long [for the ferry].’
Well...to be fair they have a point, don’t they? Thousands of Gozitans need to travel to Malta every day for work, study, etc...
Yes, yes. I’m not denying it is a problem. But the solution should surely be... get faster ferries. Why does it have to take half an hour to cross the Gozo channel? A fast ferry, nowadays, can do it in five minutes. And it’s not just ferries, either. If there is one place where bendy-buses make sense, it would be to take passengers from Mgarr to Rabat [Gozo], where they can get taxis to anywhere in Gozo for E10... or a circular bus service. Same on the other side: a fast bus to Mosta, where there would be an interchange station. That would solve the problem of waiting...
Yet while the Gozo tunnel idea seems to be gaining ground... other innovative ideas (such as an underground train service) are constantly shot down before even being discussed. We still rely almost exclusively on buses for all our public transport needs. Why are we so adventurous with some infrastructural ideas, and so conservative in others?
Politicians are there for five years. Which, in practice, means that they can only ever plan for four years. The last year is election year: it’s all ‘votes, votes, votes’. Now: something like a mass transit system would take 20 years. But that’s because they’re not consulting, for example... me. I can do it in five years. At least, the first phase; then we expand as we go along. But you have to start with the first phase anyway. As to why we never consider more innovative ways... sooner or later we will have to.
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt, it’s that you can’t stop progress. That is an impossibility. Let me give you an example. In 1952, when they introduced machines to cut stone – as you can imagine, it’s much faster to cut stone with stone-cutting machines, than with chisels – the contractors who worked with chisels all went on strike. They wouldn’t accept it... because they couldn’t see the long-term benefits. And going even further back: when electricity was introduced to Malta, the paraffin vendors all objected. They went on strike, too. Did it stop electricity? [...] It happened to me as well. When I built ‘Precast’ [in 1991] – the largest concrete factory in Malta – the soft-stone quarry owners all went on strike for three weeks. All quarries refused to supply anyone with stone... and if one quarry didn’t go along with the strike, it would be ransacked. They drove their big trucks all around Malta, hooting their loud horns... stopping outside Castille, where they knew there was a Cabinet meeting going on. [Imitates the sound of truck horns] Why? Because they thought that I was suddenly going to build houses ready-made. That houses would spring up, all ready to move into, and they would not be able to sell their stone anymore. I told them, ‘You’re crazy. All I’m going to build are columns, beams and slab. You can enclose it in stone, brick, whatever....’ That was in 1991, or thereabouts. Today, we’re still facing the same mentality. We’re not thinking outside the box... we’re not consulting the private sector. That irritates me...
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For a better Valletta
13 September 2016
I’ve been harping on the need for a holistic master plan for Valletta for over two decades. The first article I wrote, suggesting a master plan for the capital city, was published in The Sunday Times in 1989. Since then, some of my proposals have been taken on board – the maritime link from Sliema to Valletta to Cottonera, pedestrianisation projects, the total upgrading of City Gate (Triton Square), the de Valette statue, and the Park & Ride in Horn Works Ditch. Others have been shelved or ditched.
Recently, I launched a 10-year master plan for our capital city. Valletta is short of adequate parking spaces. I’m suggesting two large underground car parks in its vicinity – one with a capacity of around 3,000 cars, which can be developed below the Floriana playing field, while reconstructing the existing football ground and other outdoor facilities together with a new regional indoor sports centre.
I’m also suggesting transforming the playing field in Floriana, overlooking Grand Harbour, into another large car park. In addition, I’m proposing mini-underground car parks for the top management of firms and hotels located in Valletta during the day, as well as a car park underneath the Valletta primary school – which can be demolished and rebuilt into a modern state-of-the art school.
This car park could be used by residents and patrons and employees of the Mediterranean Conference Centre. My master plan for Valletta includes a new hotel to replace the shabby Evans Buildings.
The vision for Valletta is that of a vibrant city
Currently, the main commercial activities are centred in the upper part of Republic and Merchants streets. In order to generate further commercial activity, I’m also proposing the development of 5-star hotels on the periphery of Valletta which indirectly would upgrade the area.
One way to generate commercial activity all around Valletta is to create a free public shuttle circular bus system with low-floor buses – free of charge to the consumer. This could be done immediately, and does not require large-scale investment.
To promote a more car-free Valletta, I’m suggesting two transportation nodes: a land transportation node next to the Granaries, which would give commuters a wide choice of entering Valletta – the circular buses to the centre of the city; a taxi or electric cab; a horse-drawn cab or a link to the underground electric tram that connects the Park & Ride to City Gate.
Valletta requires constant renovation and restoration works. For this purpose, I’m suggesting the restoration of the two ravelin ditches that lie beneath the Triton Fountain, and the fountain relocated to a more suitable location.
These two ditches are already connected to the new City Gate lift and to the old railway tunnel which can be linked to the Park & Ride by means of an electric tram operating 24 hours, seven days a week. In its place an open space which many have often suggested for the entrance of the capital city.
It would complement Renzo Piano’s entrance to our capital. I am also suggesting that the Palace be converted into a national museum housing artefacts from various eras of Malta’s history together with the MUZA building. With better transport systems in place, and adequate parking spaces, pedestrianisation in Valletta can be implemented on a wider scale. This could well be complemented with a well-designed promenade at Marsamxett and Barriera Wharf.
Maritime connectivity is crucial to connect Valletta to other touristic hotspots – mainly Sliema/St Julian’s and the Cottonera. Maritime connectivity between the three encourages further investment in the catering industry. The tender for the tunnel connecting the Sliema Ferries to Valletta and Cottonera is currently being processed.
Once implemented, it shall generate more commercial activity in all three cities. I’m also suggesting a maritime transportation node located at the bottom of Ta’ Liesse Hill in the vicinity of the Barracca lift. This could also be used by a fast ferry shuttle service to and from Gozo, generating commercial activity there as well.
Once this is functioning, tourists heading to Gozo would be able to take a taxi to Valletta and all the way to Gozo. Of course, this would also be of benefit to the residents of Gozo.
The cruise liner industry needs to be nurtured. Hence my suggestion for another cruise liner quay in the vicinity of the old fish market at Barriera Wharf, incorporating a marina for super yachts.
While commercial activity in Valletta is to the benefit of its business community, residents should be given equal priority. I am therefore putting forward a wide range of proposals – from the most basic: the restoration of all its façades, to incentives which include the conversion of temporary rent to long-term leases to attract new residents to Valletta.
An inventory of government-owned buildings in Valletta is long overdue – it will help to identify which properties government can dispose of or put up for rent or long let. I am also suggesting that certain zones in Valletta should be for residential purposes only, while others allocated to office and commercial activity.
All outdoor live entertainment should come to a halt at 11pm. Valletta cannot be turned into another Paceville. Deliveries too should be restricted to off-peak hours in order to create the least disturbance possible to the Valletta residents and its visitors.
I’m also suggesting the use of underutilised convents located within the city and the demolishing of social housing at its entrance.
There are large convents which today house a few nuns and friars. I’m sure that the Church would be willing to convert them for other useful purposes, as are homes for the elderly or child care centres – the latter a welcoming relief to thousands of young parents who work in Valletta. Social housing at the entrance of Valletta is an eyesore, which a capital city does not deserve. I am therefore suggesting the relocation of its families to other vacant property in Valletta, given to them fully restored, serviced with lifts and modern common areas and on a freehold title, contrary to the leased titles they currently enjoy. This way the lessors would be greatly compensated for the move.
The demolition of these dwellings shall uncover the gem that is Palazzo Ferreria and provide unobstructed views of St John’s Cavalier. The existing commercial entities can still be located in a modern structure around the new large square at a lower level, in order not to interfere with the surrounding beauty. Access to this new square shall be complimentary to the new adjacent Spanish steps.
I shall in the coming months launch a wider discussion, themed Għal Belt Aħjar (For a better Valletta) with key stakeholders and residents alike.
My vision for Valletta is that of a vibrant city: more parking facilities; free circular buses; better maritime connectivity; pedestrianisation; public gardens; restoration and renovation of private and public buildings; better enforcement to safeguard residents rights and incentives to generate commercial and touristic activity. Renaissance – revitalising our capital city.
Angelo Xuereb is chairman and CEO of AX Holdings.
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Retirement village: Reap what you sow, Angelo Xuereb urges retirees
30 November 2015
[video width="850" height="500" mp4="https://angeloxuereb.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/featured-video.mp4"][/video]
As we grow older and enter different phases in our lives, we go through various challenges including in our long working careers. But there comes a time when we should reap what we sow since it would be useless working if we didn’t do that, business magnate Angelo Xuereb said.
Mr Xuereb said the concept of a retirement village, a first for Malta, gives the opportunity to people who want to really live life to the full and to get to socialise in a village which is much more than a neighbourhood.
“The complex will offer some 133 deluxe apartments and penthouses with extensive views in a 17,000sqm development a stone’s throw away from Naxxar’s village core. But not only that, if tenants end up immobile at some point in their lives, they can choose to move in to a state-of-the-art licensed residential care home next door that is entirely independent from the village,” he said.
Mr Xuereb said that the village gives you a feeling that you are in a luxurious resort and not in an ordinary elderly care home.
“We tried to avoid as much as possible having anything attributed to elderly care homes such as staircase lifts or bed lifts. I am not saying that elderly people who find it hard to navigate stairs safely won’t have assistance,” he said.
During the interview, Mr Xuereb came across as having the genuine desire to provide the perfect solution to people who may end up lonely, or couples who are seeking to live in a luxurious village but having the necessary assistance in place, the opportunity to do so in the safest of environments.
“When people grow old, they end up vulnerable and start to fear that one day they can end up victims of a burglary. This village is as safe as can be.
“Some may end up lonely but do not bother to seek company; the retirement village concept is their answer to their loneliness since they can socialise,” he said.
The village also hosts a lounge area, and outdoor pool and relaxation area, a crafts centre, a multipurpose hall and a busy activity schedule, a billiard and darts room, a clinical centre, a library a wellness centre and spa, hair salon, a restaurant and bar bistro, children’s indoor and outdoor play areas, a mini market, garden allotments – an opportunity to grow your own fruit and vegetables, a fitness centre a shuttle service, the list is endless.
Each apartment has its own terrace, a kitchen and the bedrooms are spacious.
A purposely designed chapel to offer a feeling of tranquillity is situated in the heart of the village. The design is based on Mr Xuereb’s ideas. The Cross, for instance, is positioned in a way that the sun’s beams light up the cross which reflect on the Onix flooring.
“There’s plenty of light and the chapel is surrounded by water. It gives you a feeling that the chapel is on the water. One can also admire the swans gliding over the chapel,” he said.
“If it were up to me, the word ta’ xjuh (a place for the elderly) should not exist. This place is a retirement village for those people who would have worked for some 40 years and who want to make the most of what they worked all those years for,” he said.
He continued: “Let’s say a person living in the five-star plus village suffers a stroke some five years after purchasing an apartment, he can be transferred to the residential care residence next door and the person will be assisted by a multidisciplinary team,” he explained.
The maximum the retirement home and village can take up to some 300 persons. The apartments can either be rented or purchased but up to a maximum of 50 years. In the event a person decides to continue living in the residential home next door to the village, he or she can utilise the funds he would have spent on the apartment for medical care and accommodation or choose to rent it out to third persons.
Mr Xuereb said that dementia patients will be allocated to a section of the home which is specially equipped for such patients.
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Making Things Happen
7 August 2012
American Author Francis Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, "the reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say." Dana Bonello sets a date with Angelo Xuereb to discuss his self-titled autobiography.
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Il-Ħolma ta’ Ħajtu
28 July 2012
Mhux kulħadd jista' jigħd li l-ħolma ta' ħajtu saret realta', anki jekk ilkoll kemm aħna minn żogħżitna, jekk mhux anki mit-tfulija, nagħmlu ħilitna biex jiġri dan. Kollox ikun jiddependi fuq iċ-ċirkostanzi taż-żmien , fuq l-opportunitajiet li jista' jkun hemm u ma' jkunx hemm, u fuq kollox, fuq id-determinazzjoni vera.
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Malta’s Leading Businessmen Share their Views on Diversification
1 June 2012
Business diversification is regarded as vital for growth by many of the island's most prominent businessmen, especially in a small market such as Malta. Chiara Bonello sounds out Malta's top businessmen who describe their journey as diversification that has made them a force to contend with in the business world. They discuss their views on the importance of diversification, especially in light of increasing market competition and the current economic climate.
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Building on a Sound Format
9 December 2011
At a time when the construction industry in our country is passing through rather a dry period, the federation of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors felt the need to be proactive in an attempt to create those areas that need it without concentrating exclusively on the "building of new apartments".
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Proposal for a new Sliema Waterfront
11 October 2011
While the recent upgrading of Tower Road and Qui-Si-Sana is commendable, one should now consider the upgrading of the Sliema waterfront on The Strand Side. before a masterplan is developed for this prestigious location, one has to take into consideration the needs of this location, together with its long term potential.
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Upgrading the Kennedy Drive Project
19 September 2011
Transport Malta has asked the public to comment on its proposal for the upgrading of the Kennedy Drive segment of the Coast Road Project, stretching from Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq to St Paul's Bay, which today is one of Malta's main arterial roads.
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Quality, Determination and Commitment
1 August 2011
The Economic update caught up with AX Holdings' Chairman, renowned Entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. Mr Xuereb spoke to Martin Vella on a wide range of topics including the construction industry, innovation, MEPA, and his approach towards business growth and organisational culture.
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The Palace wins best Design Award
24 July 2011
Premier Boutique hotel The Palace, Sliema, recently won the Best Design award for five-star hotels with 50-200 rooms at the International Hotel and Property awards 2011 held at L'Hotel hermitage in Monte Carlo. The award was collected by Angelo Xuereb, chairman of AX Holdings, who represented the group and The Palace Hotel.
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Let’s Re-Expose St Magdalen Ravelin
11 May 2011
The announcement that the government will be relocating the Triton Fountain as part of the Valletta entrance project is commendable. The architecture and sculpture of the Triton Fountain do not blend with the new Holistic design approach of the new city gate and therefore relocating it was inevitable. The fountain's base was constructed in large precast blocks of local hard stone and mosaic hence, if handled with care, it can be easily shifted.
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Malta’s Construction Industry at a Crossroad
1 March 2011
Once a stalwart of the local economy, Malta's construction industry is being forced to contemplate serious transformation if it is to survive and prosper. Claire Azzopardi finds out what issues the industry is facing and where its future may lie.
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Angelo Xuereb on AX Holdings’ 35th anniversary
1 January 2011
In the same breath that Angelo Xuereb looks back at his achievements of AX Holdings over the past 35 years, he adds: "I wish we did more". He is full of energy and still puts in a 12-hour day and appreciates most of the determination he has demonstrated over the years.
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Creativity for Energy
4 July 2010
Federation of Building Contractors president Angelo Xuereb warns that Malta risks failings its energy objectives unless it acts fast. Whereas the EU is talking about 20 per cent clean energy by 2020, better insulation and zero energy building as well as a reduction in overall energy consumption, Malta lags sorely behind.
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Towards Energy Performance Buildings
6 June 2010
Angelo Xuereb, president of the Federation Building Contractors, say there are many ways to reach energy efficiency involving both the use of alternative clean energy and the reduction of energy use.
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Everyone’s Favourite Investment
1 June 2010
Property is considered a favourite investment amongst most Maltese. The price of the property and its fluctuation, therefore, surely creates enormous interest. The Malta economic update spoke to Angelo Xuereb, one of Malta's leading entrepreneurs in property development about the current property market situation.
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The Re-excavation and restoration of St Magdalen Ravelins
21 August 2009
For the past 20 years, since October 29, 1989, I have written many articles on how we can revive and restore our capital city Valletta and bring about its renaissance. Recently I published a major practical proposal for the transportation Network car parking and access to our capital city which would complement Renzo Piano's plans.
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A new National Museum
12 October 2008
Since I first proposed a master plan for Valletta (The Sunday Times, October 29, 1989), many articles reports, presentations, etc. on the subject of Valletta's rehabilitation have been done and our gem of a capital city still looks neglected.
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The Construction Industry
15 May 2008
The construction industry in Malta is thriving well and continues to represent one of the most important sectors in the economy. However, it is an industry inundated with issues like health, and safety, registration of contracted, labour shortage and standardisation, among others.
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Malta’s Quality Product
13 February 2008
Quality is the magic word that every European country should be striving for. Understanding that quality products attract quality clients and that poor products don't have the same results is not rocket science. We all know taht if we throw peanuts we will get monkeys. If we want lions, we have to use meat!
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Third Party rights in Demolition, Excavation, Construction
2 February 2008
It is undeniable that a frequent cause for court cases are disputes about party walls. This is mainly due to limited space and the construction methods that we have adopted over the past few weeks. Not os long ago, a six-storey building with one basement floor was considered a high structure.
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AN Proposes more Marine Activity in Sliema
9 December 2007
Azzjoni Nazzjonali recently proposed the development of the Sliema Waterfront in an attempt to embellish the town and to bring out it true potential. During a presentation of his party's proposals at the Palace Hotel in Sliema, AN deputy leader Angelo Xuereb insisted that the commercial centre should remain based around the promenade of The Strand, Bisazza Street and Tower Road, and not directed to Tigne' Point, where a massive project is underway.
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A Vision…an Illusion
20 September 2007
The government's latest vision for Malta's Grand Harbour is yet another illusion. Over the past 20 years, the government has not been capable of implementing one single project of this magnitude. So, how can anyone believe that it is serious in its vision?
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A Five-Star Dream Comes True
16 September 2007
Having established a track record in the hotel construction industry did not make buildings a fourth Hotel any easier for entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. Mr Xuereb told the Sunday Times last week that his biggest pride and joy was opening his first five-star hotel, The Palace, on time, welcoming the first guests on August 1.
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The Accumulated Problem of C&D waste in Malta and how to Deal with it!
24 June 2007
My presentation shall be dealing with the problem of our construction and demolishing waste (C & D waste) and some proposals on how to deal with it. This is based on over 30 years of practical experience as one of the leading local building contractors, as well as from my various positions on numerous boards, councils, committees, etc.
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Josie Muscat’s Party Launched
10 June 2007
Azzjoni Nazzjonali (AN), a new right-wing political party, was officially launched yesterday pledging to "clean up" Malta of dirt, corruption and migrants. Steered by former Nationalist MP Josie Muscat, property developer Anġlu Xuereb and university lecturer Philip Beattie, the new party was announced at its first public meeting, held at Le Meridien Phoenicia yesterday morning, that it would be contesting the next election.
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Malta Needs Recognised Asset Valuators
19 April 2007
The state of the real estate business in Malta is a very healthy one and the sector is one of the main contributors to the national economy. Any analysis of this market, therefore, has to respect this importance. Since the 1960s the real estate sector has passed through the usual cycle of ups and downs. We are at present on the "up" of the cycle and like it or not we have to accept the downside in the near future.
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Construction and Demolition Waste in Malta
25 February 2007
My proposals on how to deal with the problem of construction and demolishing waste in Malta are based both on 30 years of practical experience as a building contractor as well as from various positions I hold on numerous boards, councils and committees.
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OPM Essential for Success
6 December 2006
Angelo Xuereb, chairman and CEO of Ax holdings emphasised the necessity of "OPM", that is "other people's money" when operating on the scale of business in Malta, which he has built over 30 years.
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Mill-Bankina Sal-‘Boardroom’
27 November 2006
"AX Holdings Philosophy for Success: Creativity, Efficiency, Challenge." Hekk tigħid tabella mwaħħla f'post prominenti fl-uffiċju ta' Anġlu Xuereb, Chairman u kap Eżekutttiv tal-kumpannija AX Holdings. Ma għandix dubju li dan ir-raġel li l-ewwel kuntratt li ħa kien biex jirranġa bankina illum hu wieħed mill-iktar intraprendituri magħrufa fil-gżejjer Maltin, segwa din il-filosofija mija fil-mija biex laħaq il-quċċata tas-suċċess.
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A New AX to Grind
23 November 2006
The AX Group is shortly expected to give details of its offer to Suncrest shareholders, who have the option of taking cash at the last traded price of Lm0.267 (October 30) or converting them to new 10-year bonds with early repayment options issued by AX iNvestments. The coupon rate will be 6.7 per cent. The offer is expected to raise LM5 million, Lm 4.16 million of which will go to AX Holdings (Lm1.37 million will be directed to projects), with the balance to go towards Capua Palace which generates over LM 150,000a year in rental income, which would go towards the bind payment.
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Hotel bed Stock to Rise by 5000 in three Years
23 November 2006
New hotels or extensions to existing hotels are expected to increase the bed stock by more than 5000 by 2009, Tourism Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said. Only this year the number of available beds increase by more than 600. He said the 37 projects currently underway will entail a cumulative investment of over Lm100 million.
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Malta Deserves Quality in the Tourism Sector
23 November 2006
The latest project by AX Holdings is aimed at creating a "prestigious" hotel in the heart of Sliema by next Summer, because Malta deserves quality in the tourism sector"' said AX Holding chairman Angelo Xuereb yesterday. The new five-star hotel by the name of The Palace was initially targeted as an extension to the four-star The Victoria Hotel, but Mr Xuereb said that from the group's findings, it appears that more five-star hotels are needed in Malta.
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Lm9 Million Sliema Hotel to Open Next Year
19 November 2006
After four years of hard work, the new five-star hotel, The Palace, right next door to The Victoria Hotel in Sliema, is in its final structural works and will open its doors next summer. The Palace Hotel, an Lm 9 million investment, will "repeat the success of the Victoria retaining its individuality and uniqueness, but stressing service, quality and location. Claire Xuereb, general manager of The Victoria hotel, told The Sunday Times on Tuesday.
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Leading the Curve
1 June 2006
AX Holdings is one of Malta's leading construction groups. Founded in 1975, the company has been through all the ups and downs of the Maltese property and construction business. The Malta Economic Update spoke to Angelo Xuereb, the group's founder, to discuss their plans for the future.
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Is the Increase in Sites allocated for Building Development Justified
21 May 2006
Yes, I agree that after a lapse of around 15 years and in the absence of approval of most of the Local Plans, the building zones had to be reconsidered and increased where it was felt necessary to fill in the existing schemes or to realign the irregular development boundaries. Apart from helping to create an improved urban fabric, interesting streetscapes and regular street networks, this expansion will help to balance the demand and supply of developable property.
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Angelo Xuereb hails Beginning of New era in Building Design
14 May 2006
Angelo Xuereb, the president of the Federation of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors believes MEPA's new guidelines will herald a new era in building design and planning for Malta's building developments and constitute another milestone towards a better standard of living.
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Quality Construction at Valletta Waterfront
30 April 2006
The Valletta Waterfront, admired by many, has been a breakthrough in the construction industry. Angelo Xuereb, chairman of the AX Holdings Group, tells SIMONNE PACE that quality construction is what really makes this project tick. Up till around ten years ago, Maltese contractors used to marvel at the quality of workmanship overseas.
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Property Market Responds with first Increase in Prices
9 November 2005
As Prospective property sellers are weighing the impact of the new property tax regime, the market has already displayed the first signs of an anticipated increase in prices. "Prospective property sellers are adopting a wait and see approach as they wait for the government's next move," Michael de Maria, general manager of Cassar and Cooper real estate Ltd told Business today.
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True Value through Quality
8 September 2005
The AX Group of companies is celebrating its 30th anniversary as a very dynamic group deeply involved in the three core sectors - the construction industry, the hospitality market a s well as design and development of projects.
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Structured Thinking
1 September 2005
The Federation of the Building and Civil Engineering Contractors (FOBC), an affiliate association within the Malta Federation of Industry (FOI), works continuously to improve many aspects inherent to the construction industry in Malta. The list is never ending, from health and safety considerations to registration of contractors, from the shortage of labour to the size of the stone...
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The Golf War
10 July 2005
Anglu Xuereb is not a happy man. His ling drawn battle to develop a golf course in land-scarce Malta at tal-Virtu'. in Rabat, took 10 years for him to be told, 'no, sorry the golf course is not on." One year later a government decides to shortlist its own site - forget the Malta Environment and Planning Authority - offers to pay for the environmental impact assessment and hey, presto!
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Communications in the Inner Harbour Area
7 May 2005
The other day, Angelo Xuereb made a presentation on his ideas for a transport communication system to service Sliema, Valletta and the three cities. I have since gone into his ideas very deeply and I feel the scheme deserves very close scrutiny by the authorities
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A Man with Vision
1 May 2005
During a television programme in 1994, Angelo Xuereb attracted criticism from many different quarters because he voiced his concern that the planning authority, today restyled to MEPA, would slow down the economy. Today, a developer, businessman and indeed an individual, seems to be of the same opinion.
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Let us Revive Valletta
25 April 2005
Over the past three decades, there have been numerous plans, discussions and reports on how we can reviveValletta but regrettably, relatively very little has actually been done. It seems that we are. missing the vision and motivation to act
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A death Sentence to the Indipendent Mayor?
2 February 2005
Twelve years ago, the government introduced local councils on an experimental basis. Today, it is a fact that these were successful and are here to stay. The government is now considering reviewing the law and one major change is the way in which the mayor is elected.
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A Quick Look at the Construction Industry
1 December 2004
The Federation of the building and Civil engineering Contractors (FOBC), which is an affiliate association within the Malta Federation of Industry (FOI), works continuously to improve many aspects inherent to the Construction Industry in Malta. The list is never ending... from Health and Safety considerations to the registration of contractors. from the shortage of labour to the size of the stone...
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A Decision on the Opera
31 October 2004
The development of the most prominent location in Valletta, a world heritage city, has been in discussion for the past 60 years. Various attempts to reach a decision were made during the Sixties, in 1989, in 1997and in 2002 without reaching any conclusions. It is now high time that a final decision is taken so that we can move ahead.
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A leap from Academic Theory into Practice
9 May 2004
Architects and engineers learn what they have been taught during their educational phase. Lecturers change from time to time and this would reflect in the performance of the student. Furthermore, God has given different talents to all of us. Some of us perform better in planning, some in structural engineering, some in architecture, etc. After leaving university everyone would develop their own style of implementing what they have learnt coupled with their added personal input.
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A Leap from Academic Theory into Practice
9 May 2004
Architects and engineers learn what they have been taught during their educational phase. Lectures change from time to time and this would reflect on the performance of the student. Furthermore, God had given different talents to all of us. Some of us perform better in planning, some in structural engineering, some in architecture, etc.
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An Unfaltering Entrepreneurial Spirit
17 December 2003
Times may change, a business may change - but the one constant in the world of business is the spirit of the Entrepreneur. Here Angelo Xuereb speaks to David Lindsay about a number of projects past, present, and future and gives his views on a range of subjects from the construction and tourism industries to the hurdles the entrepreneurial spirit is continuously facing.
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Preliminaries and Site Management
16 November 2003
In any civil engineering tender, one hot potato is the preliminary clause. this general item includes various seemingly minor items, ranging from site hoarding to pedestrian and vehicular traffic rerouting, billboards, security, temporary services, cleanliness and hygiene, to provisions of sanitary facilities and insurance against health and safety risks for the workers on-site for the duration of the project. A lump sum is often quoted or sometimes this is omitted, claiming that this item is absorbed in the other rates quoted.
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AX Holdings Unveil Verdala Mansions
27 July 2003
One of Malta's most outstanding residential projects, Verdala Mansions, was unveiled last week by its proprietors, AX Holdings. This luxurious block of residences was unveiled during a sunset cocktail party held on the grounds of this unique site.
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“New era” in Private Health Care
21 December 2002
St James Hospital has becomeMalta's largest private health entity after months-long negotiations led to its takeover of Capua Hospital. The Hospital, in the heart of Sliema, will be called St James (Capua) Hospital and will operate as a separate entity from the 13-bed St James Hospital in Żabbar.
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Proposed Golf Course would Generate 200 Jobs
12 June 2002
A public information exhibition on the proposed Rabat golf course was opened yesterday at St James Cavalier. The developers, AX Holdings, have been given the green light by the Malta Environment and planningAuthority to release details from their environmental impact assessment to the public, Anġlu Xuereb, chairman, said.
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AX Holdings Presents ‘facts to date’ on Verdala Golf Course
21 October 2001
In a bid to dispel misinformation and allegations on its controversial golf course project at Verdala in the Press, AX holdings last week circulated a 15-page document to the highest civil and ecclesiastical authorities. AX holdings have been waiting for a 3000-page Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project to be approved b the planning authority for two years.
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Environment Assessment says Benefits Overweigh Negative Impact
24 January 2001
An environmental impact assessment of the proposed golf course in Rabat concludes that the "sustainability benefits" of the scheme outweigh the adverse impact and would bring significant economic benefits to the economy. With the EIA, the 'golf ball' is back at the feet of the Planning Authority, which is now studying it after it was presented to the authority by prospective developer AXHoldings in November.
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An Enterprising Career
6 December 2000
The Business Times recently dropped in on AX Holdings Chairman, renowned Entrepreneur Angelo Xuereb. Mr Xuereb spoke to Davis Lindsay on a wide range of topics including his proposed controversial Tal-Virtu Golf Course, his stint as Naxxar mayor, and his listing on the Malta Stock Exchange.
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Finding Long-Term Solutions to Waste Management Problems
19 April 2000
At a conference on waste management solutions earlier this month, AX Holdings chairman Angelo Xuereb proposed the establishment of four construction and demolition waste disposal depots for Malta and Gozo, among other long-term solutions to waste management problems. The following are excerpts from this paper presented at the conference.
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How to Mitigate the effect of Construction on the Tourism Industry
19 April 2000
These two main sectors of the Maltese economy are my daily breadwinner, therefore this contribution is based on hard facts and seen with a practical eye. Tourism is vital to our islands as around 35 per cent of our economic activities are generated by this industry, thus creating a multiplier effect.
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PA Approves outline Application for Sea Passenger Terminal
4 February 2000
The planning authority yesterday approved an outline application for an Lm10 million sea passenger terminal at Pinto Wharf in Valletta. the development was proposed by the VISET Consortium which combines Maltese with foreign investment. At a public hearing at St Francis Ravelin in Floriana, the PA board unanimously approved the permit after Robert Vella from the Planning Directorate recommended approval, subject to a list of conditions.
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Cruise Terminal Expected to be completed within three Years
13 January 1999
The waterfront plaza, the main attraction of the LM10 million Valletta cruise terminal project, could be ready by the end of this year if talks between the government and the selected consortium are concluded relatively quickly. The waterfront plaza, which forms part of phase one of the project, could be ready by the end of this year if talks between the government and the selected consortium are concluded relatively quickly.
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Shunned Opera House Tender would have Facade Replica
31 May 1998
According to the Place De La Vallette tender, thrown out by the government because it was not accompanied by an Lm500,000 bid bond, the building on the former Royal Opera House site would have a replica of the original facade, The Sunday żtime scan reveal today.
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Naxxar Mayor Unveils Ambitious Plan for Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq
12 August 1997
Naxxar Council has drawn up an ambitious coast embellishment plan for Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, aiming to transform the area into a major attraction. Forward-looking mayor Anġlu Xuereb said yesterday the plan would =be presented to the environment and tourism ministries and the PlanningAuthority in the hope that an action committee would be appointed for its implementation.
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Rich Pickings
26 April 1997
Joe Gasan is Malta's richest Businessman - at least in the public's perception. According to a random survey conducted by The People, Mr Gasan, whose business interests range from cars to insurance, is followed by Anglu Xuereb and the Mizzi family.
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Victorian Values in a new Maltese Hotel
26 March 1997
At the time, a lot of controversy and anger was aroused among the residents of the posh Sliema district of the former Victoria Avenue, today renamed George Borg Olivier Street after the former prime minister whose house is a neo-Gothic jewel still standing there. the residents have been up in arms about the new hospital and hotel venture being set up on the top end of the staid and normally placid street.
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Angelo Xuereb looks like Winning his Gamble
20 March 1997
Despite somewhat widespread misgivings in the financial sector, Angelo Xuereb, owner of the Suncrest Hotel and Chairman of AX Holdings, looks set to win his gamble. The share and bond might be fully subscribed by today, a full two days before the closing of the subscription lists.
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Shares, Bonds offered in Suncrest
5 March 1997
Maltese investors are being offered the opportunity to buy shares or bonds on the island's biggest Hotel - the 458-room Suncrest in Qawra. Two million shares in Suncrest Hotels PLC, which has registered profits consistently since it was opened nine years ago, are being offered for sale by its parent company AX Group.
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Planning Permission Delays Hitting Construction Industry
21 August 1996
A shrinking labour supply and planning permission delays are having an adverse effect on the construction industry, one of Malta's leading developers has claimed. Mr Angelo Xuereb, the owner of the AX Group of Companies, told The Times yesterday that initiative in the industry is being stifled.
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Lm7.5m Capua Palace Hospital to Open in July
30 May 1996
Malta's latest private hospital will be completed by July, having cost developers AX Holdings LM7.5 million to construct. The 80-bed Capua palace Hospital in Sliema, will be officially opened on July 19. The Historic palace is incorporated into the building.
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The Modern Drift in the Construction Industry
21 February 1996
Unless the construction industry is given immediate attention by both the government and the private sector, we will find ourselves at a great disadvantage when Malta joins the EU, says Mr Angelo Xuereb, chairman of the AX Holdings Group of Companies.
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AX Holdings investing Lm25m in seven Projects
17 June 1995
AX Holdings is investing LM25 million between this year and 1997 in seven local projects, including the refurbishment of the Grand Hotel Verdala in Rabat, which will become the group's flagship. The Verdala project, which will cost LM 7million, includes an 18-hole golf course in the fields below the hotel, chairman Anġlu Xuereb said yesterday.
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Chamber draws up ‘Keep Malta Clean’ Blueprint
4 February 1993
The Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, Dr Stanley Żammit, on Tuesday promised a great change for the better in the Maltese environment during this year but added in a bitter remark that unfortunately, the countryside has already been ruined. Dr Zammit said he would be considering seven proposals presented to him by Mr Angelo Xuereb, chairman of the environment steering committee set up a year ago by the Chamber of commerce.
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Naxxar first Area in Chamber of Commerce Embellishment Scheme
9 August 1992
Naxxar is to be the first locality in an embellishment scheme aimed at creating greater public awareness of the need for pleasanter surroundings. The initiative has been taken by the Malta Chamber of commerce environment steering committee, the environment being an area in which the chamber feels it should be involved.
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Caring for the Environment
5 April 1992
Much is being said about the environment. In reality, it means different things to different people. Unfortunately, for most of us, it is simply countryside and we often find that many criticise any new development, without analysing the pros and cons of the project. I always say actions are louder than words- it is easier to be a talker than to be a doer.
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Ħtieġa li jkun hawn Assoċjazzjoni tal-Kuntartturi
3 November 1991
Naħseb li issa ħafna draw l-intervisti tiegħi u s'issa kellimt lil ħafna nies minn diversi setturi tal-ħajja. Hu għalhekk li ħassejt li għandi mmur inkellem lil Anġlu Xuereb, wieħed mill-akbar kuntratturi f'Malta. Għaliex le? Għaliex m'għandniex nisimgħu il-verżjoni tiegħu wkoll? Is-soltu nitfgħu l-kritika kolla fuq il-kuntratturi. Illum qed nagħtu ftit spazju biex biex dawn jirrispondu.
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The Construction Industry Into the Nineties
1 July 1991
Today, at the start of the nineties, the construction industry of Malta looks ahead with weariness. It is facing a serious labour shortage, and unless the root causes of the problems are tackled, the trade will continue to decline. A total revolution in quarrying and construction methods is needed to bring new life to the industry.
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Improving Malta’s Transportation System
19 April 1991
A major problem in Malta today is without a doubt how to overhaul the old-fashioned public transport system. Introduced in the forties when towns and villages were much smaller, it is centralised along the main roads of the villages.
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Taking the dust and pain out of Malta’s construction Industry
5 August 1990
In this age of lasers and computers, when so much is done to alleviate man's most strenuous tasks and with such an awareness of an ailing environment, there is much that can be done to improve a lot of those in the construction industry. Mr Angelo Xuereb of Angelo Xuereb Limited, shares a few ideas about what can be changed vis-s-vis health and the environment.
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Need for Radical Change in Malta’s Construction Industry
8 April 1990
The construction industry in Malta is in dire need of a total haul and modernisation. After a brief slump, the country is now seeing much going on in the way of both private as well as public projects. This healthy scene though does not reflect the reality. of the situation, where demand is greater than supply.
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A Proposal for the Valletta Master Plan
29 October 1989
I have been reading so much about Valletta city and its entrance, and since development is one of my main interests, I felt it is my duty to give my own opinions about our unique city, Valletta. To revive the business, rehabilitate Valetta and make the whole city a monument, besides turning it into one of the Island's leading tourist attractions, is a task which calls for careful planning and consideration before implementation.
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Suncrest Hotel Malta
16 June 1988
Among the things that attract upmarket tourists are the facilities found in the country. We are sure that the Suncrest hotel offers a good product and will, therefore, help the country attract such tourists. The Prime Minister. Dr Eddiie Fenech Adami, on the inauguration of the Hotel.
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Falcon House
1 June 1988
A major development in a prime central position. Very airy, spacious and prestigious 3- bedroomed apartments with an approx. area of 232.35sq.m. (2.500 sq. ft). Immaculately finished to luxury standard throughout. Well ventilated carpark/garages, private, drive, lifts. Unbeatable prices.
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